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Hunter Shows
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Judge: TBD

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Judge: TBD

Please keep an eye on Facebook for any updates or changes to the normal show schedule and information as listed below.


Class List - Show starts at 9am

  1. Ground Poles Under Saddle

  2. Ground Poles Over Fences

  3. Ground Poles OF

  4. Ground Poles Equitation

  5. Ground Poles Eq OF

  6. Ground Poles Eq OF

  7. Warm Up (crossrails)

  8. Crossrails Under Saddle

  9. Crossrails OF

  10. Crossrails OF

  11. Crossrails Equitation

  12. Crossrails Eq OF

  13. Crossrails Eq OF

  14. Warm Up (18")

  15. Green Horse Under Saddle

  16. Green Horse OF

  17. Green Horse OF

  18. Green Equitation

  19. Green Eq OF

  20. Green Eq OF

  21. Warm Up (2' - 2'3")

  22. Green Jumper (2')

  23. Beginner Horse Under Saddle

  24. Beginner Horse OF

  25. Beginner Horse OF

  26. Beginner Equitation

  27. Beginner Eq OF

  28. Beginner Eq OF

  29. Beginner Jumper (2'3")

  30. Warm Up (2'6"-2'9")

  31. Intermediate Horse Under Saddle

  32. Intermediate Horse OF

  33. Intermediate Horse OF

  34. Intermediate Jumper (2'6"-2'9")

  35. DLSC Medal

        A. Green (18")

        B. Beginner (2'-2'3")

        C. Intermediate (2'6"-2'9")

Entry Fees: $15 per class pre-entry; $18 per class day-of. NOTE: Day of Entries accepted as space is available.  HIGHLY recommend pre-entry.

Warm-Up Classes: $10

Office Fee: $15 per horse/rider combination

Stabling: Not available


Make checks payable to:

Serenity Valley Farm, LLC

Additional warm up classes are added beyond normal DLSC class list. Please note changes to Class Numbers!

Helmets MUST be worn at all times (and fastened) when mounted. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Jumper classes will run per table IIB - clear rounds will immediately (upon audible signal from the judge) complete a jump off round.

Ribbons: 1st - 6th all non-warm up classes.

Division Champion & Reserve Champion awarded with minimum of 4 riders qualified (must enter all 3 classes).

All horses on grounds must present a negative Coggins (within 12 months). Failure to do so will result in being asked to leave the grounds and forfeiting all fees paid.

No Dogs Please.


Based on last year, Pre-Entries are HIGHLY recommended. Day of show entries will be accepted if space is available. 

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